Thermal and cooling functional clothing,
Pride of Korea, a top manufacturing company.

The textile industry is transforming into a new growth industry that leads the Fourth Industry through convergence of textiles, ICT technology, and other industries. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of smart clothing, and the ICT textile industry is also gaining in importance for sustainability. Textile materials are being converted into high value-added products by incorporating cutting-edge technologies.

Xyloble Co., Ltd. specializes in smart clothing and IT convergence textile development.

We aim to contribute to industrial development and society by producing smart wearable clothing and developing products based on people, customer, and technology-oriented management philosophy to supply optimal products that meet customer needs.

To maximize social value and create a better future, we provide our customers with the best technology, best quality, lowest price, and best service.

Thank you.

Xyloble Co., Ltd. CEO Oh Jae-young  

‘The union of nature and humans’, promoting consumer health with excellent products.

@Xyloble Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Tel. +82-1588-4169
Fax. +82-55-374-3666
Headquarters : 1F, 46, Centum dong-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea

Production plant : 88, Dongmyeong-ro 170beon-gil, Nam-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea

Company affiliated research institute : 365, Sinseon-ro, Nam-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea
Biz License : 719-86-01280